But the build relies on having a sneak attack to boost the. Jolt (Scimitar) K. 18 Dex. Extend metamagic should increase level by 1 so it should create a level 4 spell but it doesn't. ago. Can be crafted by artisan Nazrielle. As for weapons, shield and board outperform two weapons by far, apart from this just use two best weapons that you have, with light in offhand. Loads of experience with Pathfinder but new to Kingmaker, and just trying to decide on the weapon focus. Fan FeedI don't get it. scimitar is a mainstay of most of the pathfinder magus builds from doing a bit of research. (the one with the white robe). But when dual wielding scimitar with Weapon Finesse & Effortless Dual-Wielding, the attack roll is using STR instead of DEX modifier. Use slayer talents to get dual wielding without the Dex requirement. 2 Wrath of the Righteous; 2. The best scimitar I found is for pet builds/shapeshifters though. Step 2: Play a Trickster. Category one-handed Proficiency martial. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. 4v is here! Due to some critical issues, we had to reassemble some parts of the game’s resources, which increased the size of this patch to 3 Gb. I think traditional Pathfinder wisdom of melee one-handers are: Simple: Heavy Mace (1d8 x2) seeing there are no Morning Stars in the game. " This location unlocks during the main quest War of the River Kings. 3 Varnhol's Lot; Magic Versions [] Basic Enchantments Enhancement Source Base Value +1: Sold by Kjerdi in Varnhold (Varnhold's Lot DLC)There's a possibility one of the weaponsmith artisans in your kingdom, once you build their shop, may come to you with a mission/commission to built a custom longsword. Scimitar. My build is 14 slayer 2 archeolog 4 dragon disciple, dual scimitar. So there's these 2 late game Scimitars. #1. I'm at the end of chapter 3 and haven't found any noteworthy estocs. Some weapons are just better than others. The holy weapon of Sarenrae — goddess of healing, cleansing, and redemption. Bleed Elven Curve Blade +3. If you want something gross, you can do Scaled Fist 1/Oracle (Nature) 1/Bard 4/Dragon Disciple 4/Eldritch Knight 10. Mithral Speed Scimitar +2; R. level 1. Weapons that are well supported include Scimitar, longsword, Kukri, bastard sword, dueling sword, longbows, crossbows, and glaives. My list of the Best Scimitars in Wrath for tasty crits and fun : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Only the outer edge is sharp, and the back is flat, giving the blade a triangular cross-section. You go scimitar and free off hand. The Magus has the following characteristics: Primary attributes: Dexterity and Intelligence. #5. Spells are prepared. In pnp, you'd be correct. The Slashing Grace feat is, according to its text, supposed to add Dex instead of Str towards damage rolls for a chosen weapon type when wielded one handed. Cypher Jan 23, 2019 @ 5:30am. Magi can enchant their weapon with keen to significantly improve the critical threat range, and this is stronger with scimitar. May 12, 2019 @ 2:39pm Any melee weapon better than Scimitar/Rapier for Team Feats? Think i seen a feat that does something on crits? Havent seen Khopeshs in game yet, is there anything better than the 18-20 (x2) weapons? < >. Estoc is a bad choice because there aren't enough drops to keep the weapon viable. Kestoglyr double scimitar build questions. Runic Mageblade trait is a weapon trait in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. ago. Black Salt. · 1y. However, I see some people use slashing grace for a weapon like Scimitar. Benefit: Choose one kind of light or one-handed slashing weapon (such as the longsword). You'll get DEX-to-Attack & Damage. For spells you use all the touch spells, and all the self buff tank spells, i. You need weapon finesse, weapon focus scimitar and slashing grace for it to work. When wielding your chosen weapon one-handed, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a CRPG based on the tabletop game Pathfinder from new developers Owlcat Games. I wanna try a dual wield fighter but don't really know how to do it. . A mysterious murder, that took place in Drezen, caused so much trouble for the crusade, that the whole fortress hasn’t been able to move on, and A Noble Intent quest would block all exits from Drezen – but now it’s fixed. It is the same with the Thundering Claw of the Bear God, when this bug occur, i return to human form and the scimitar picture have no glowing/lightning effect. This +4 holy flaming scimitar grants its wielder the ability to cast divine power spell once per day as a 7th level cleric. com] which, to my knowledge, is not in this video game. Go to Pathfinder_Kingmaker r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker • by. So my thoughts on a build look something like this: Race: Human. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. This curved sword is shorter than a longsword and longer than a shortsword. Scimitar works with DEX if you get both Weapon Finesse & Slashing Grace. sondang2412 • 1 yr. 5 x Str + Enhancement + possibly Power Attack - is not as nice as 3 x [Static], especially if that is 2 x Str + Enhancement + Power Attack. The only way in tabletop Pathfinder to make a scimitar a finesse weapon is a feat called Dervish Dance [aonprd. Honestly their arcane weapons ability are enough alone to make most weapons devastating as you can add keen, brilliant, ghost touch, fire, ice etc to any weapon, so really what you want are finesse or agile weapons (or the feat), single hand, high crit threat weapons. As a fighter, you can take Effortless Dual Wielding from Advanced Weapon Training to get rid of the offhand. lost color quality, but! and discovered adding tabards with only bottom half. 1) Speak to Aysel in the Village and make a Diplomacy DC 19 check. Found in The Menagerie. Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. This is one of the reasons why long swords are pretty popular in the PnP pathfinder. A longsword magus is still going to be very good. •. It's usable in normal difficulties and it hits like a truck with good crit. Distribute buffs between you and your wizard and keep some damaging spells for the tougher fights. Join. i'm on curse part 3 i haven't get across any +3 weapon yet. " Aside from being able to use it as a martial weapon, the rest of that is applicable to this game. Demonbox. 0. Durdle_Turtle • 10 mo. 2- leaving some points to dex and go. 47. I mean, the part about them not being able to use metal weapons in general makes sense, but what is it about the scimitar that's specific to the lore of the Druid? I mean you know, it seems weird. Contents. It is annoying, but when it work, it is. ago. But considering Transformation spell prevents you from casting anyways, i'd rather go 2-handed weapon - Fauchard (best for party due to 6-feet range). You'll want 18-20 crit range, so for one-handed that's scimitar, dueling sword, rapier or estoc. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki. Scimitar of Wind; Slicer; T. View community ranking In the Top 5% of. Can be crafted by artisan Nazrielle. 1- pumping str+cha and using a classic weapon like long sword. If you want to focus more on Bard, go 4 Dragon Disciple, then either the Monk dip. Stand-outs in-game include: Elven Curved Blade, Fauchard, Estoc, largely for the 18-20 crit ranges combined with good damage or things like reach/useable with Dex. Cha is useful as an Azata b/c Life-Bonding Friendship works off your Charisma score (not modifier), and you can do Cha dip shenanigans if you like. Part of. 2 skill points per level. Main. It has great crit profile, and there are also some named ones with the Runeblade ability, which is very specific to the Magus. For mine I am using scimitar. 3 lbs. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that. However, I dont want to go the typical estoc build, as im not a fan of piercing type weapons (just as flavor). . r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Disambiguation : the Light quality and Light Simple Weapons can be. Updated: 29 Nov 2022 16:13 Scimitar is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it belongs to Martial Proficiency Group . (Similarly using a Longsword or Scimitar 2H would not get the bonus, because they're not 2H weapons) #1. [deleted] 3 yr. A bastard sword is a 1H weapon, period. Light Simple Weapons also all have the quality Finesse Wielding. Trying to do an interesting dual wielding build. As an example, when I try to do it on prayer (a 3rd level spell), the resulting spell level is 3. Faith Bearer and Dawnflower's kiss that feel like the belong together. In game, weapon finesse + slashing grace: scimitar means that you apply dex to both attack and damage. Light Pick is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Another option that's often recommended for the Sword Saint is the Estoc, great crit profile and damage dice. Yes you can pick scimitars for slashing grace, but slashing grace doesn't allow scimitars to qualify for weapon finesse, so you get Dex to damage but not to hit. Weapon Finesse - using DEX instead of STR modifier on attack rolls when fighting with a light weapon Effortless Dual-Wielding - treat the weapon in the trained group (scimitar) as light weapon. Step 5: Success! DarkSoulsExcedere • 1 yr. Scymitars, Kukri and Aldori Duel Blade are the best for a sword saint. Just got a weapon (the Scimitar) with a +2 runic mageblade affix and I am not sure if I understand how it works correctly. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. However his low Strength Value seems to be not suited for a melee. Go Str build, get double slice feat also. The only way to get dex to your damage rolls for an elven curved blade is a 3 level dip into rogue where you can select 1 weapon finesse based weapon to add dex to damage. Zen Archers can only use Flurry of Blows with bows: Starting at 1st level, a zen archer can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action, but only when using a bow (even though it is a ranged weapon). Memory must be goin in old age. Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. If you're using the craft magic items mod, Estoc. even there is. Medium (3/4) AB progression. There is a badass one you can find called bear claw. If you want to specialize in Scimitars, there are other feats for that: Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, for certain classes also Weapon Specialization, Greater and. But, if you have weapon finesse, 13 in dex, proficiency. Benefit: When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. Flaming trait is a weapon trait in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Duel wielding throwing axe fighter is my next build for sure. 0 or 3. Effects [] When you have a touch spell charged, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than its actual bonus. Critical. [Show Code]I personally run a DEX Sword Saint with a Scimitar. In general though the later game merchants need fleshed out and should at least go to +3 of each weapon and armor type, though, for crying out loud. So im thinking of making a sword saint. You can stab your enemies with your sword or another slashing weapon. Hello, I'm new to Pathfinder: Kingmaker and only ever made past Chapter 1 with my Eldritch Scion (Gold Dragon) build but I felt underwhelmed with it. Feats can give your character various bonus or allow them to perform all sorts of actions. 1 Magic Versions; 2 Special Versions. Nah, Crane Wing/Riposte works. 5. The locals forbid their children from playing here, but people still disappear from nearby villages. Dueling sword was good in kingmaker since there were a lot of them, but I don't. 4v is here! Due to some critical issues, we had to reassemble some parts of the game’s resources, which increased the size of this patch to 3 Gb. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Content posted in this community. Keen Scimitar +1; M. ago. Blaze of Disaster. I was thinking of going Angel Build for the RP of being Sarenrae's Wrath incarnate. He may not make a flurry of blows with his unarmed attacks or any other weapons. ago. Yeah even reading the in-game text seems to indicate it wouldn't work. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Plus whatever your racial proficiencies are. Slashing Grace is a Feat in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. i decided to reroll my char like fifth time. More Fandoms Fantasy; Advertisement. 5 DnD, but that is not the case in Pathfinder. You go abysal bloodline. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker • Pathfinders! An update 2. Just pick the right class and domains that synergize well. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitar. Dagger, rapier, light crossbow, or shortbow would be most typical weapons of choice. Chineselegolas • 4 yr. Effecta [] The critical multiplier of this weapon is increased by 1. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. May cast arcane spells up to 6th-level. Estoc is one of the top picks. Or as above with the rogue dip. if not "double sword" is 1 feat of investment, "off-hand side" counts as light (better for Str builds, use two handed fighter levels up to 3), with benefit of 1. 5x str bonus. Hatfullofsky • 2 yr. robes for wizard? :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Discussions. Go to Pathfinder_Kingmaker r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker • by. Since weapon crit gets coverted to spell crit for the magus class scimitar. 5. Cost 15 gp Weight 4 lbs. I want him to be in the frontline and have the most ac/ab/aoo possible. ago. "Voices can sometimes be heard from the muddy holes under this hill, sometimes even laughter or screams of pain. Add PDF $29. ReddoMaou. #2. 5 your str to your damage. This scimitar has numerous runes some of which have no magic in them. I think it may not work in the game, if one of your classes requires you to wield weapons on-handed (duelist, magus). Test it out for yourself.